Scholar and Graphic Novel Author



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Jeffrey P. Wilson


Dr. Wilson is a graphic novel author and received a Ph.D. in Geography at the University of Arizona. He published one of the first graphic novel interviews to appear in a peer-reviewed journal. His graphic novel, The Instinct for Cooperation: A Graphic Novel Conversation with Noam Chomsky, considers social movements, such as organizing against the banning of Mexican American Studies in Tucson High Schools and the library at Zuccotti Park during Occupy Wall Street. The book is based on a conversation with Noam Chomsky and has been translated into multiple languages and is out now on Seven Stories Press. Dr. Wilson will be publishing his second graphic novel with Seven Stories Press in 2024. It is based on his fieldwork examining housing organizing in Detroit, Michigan. The book is titled We Live Here! Detroit Eviction Defense and the Battle for Housing Justice. It focuses on communities in the city working to save family homes from either mortgage or tax foreclosures. 

His graphic novel writing has also appeared in The Nation, McSweeney’s, CounterPunch and World War 3 Illustrated. In addition to these writings, Dr. Wilson is one of the first authors to publish a graphic novel in a scholarly journal.

Dr. Wilson’s current book project examines counterinsurgency along the US border.